The European ROBIN project has been launching.
EABC video that sets out the main lines for the promotion of bioeconomy in Andalusia.
Documento estratégico de la Comisión Europea para el despliegue de la bioeconomía en las regiones europeas.
Los socios del living lab andaluz del proyecto europeo ZeroW (Systemic Innovations Towards a Zero Food Waste Supply Chain) se han reunido en las instalaciones de Grupo La Caña en Motril (Granada), donde se desarrollará un sistema de detección y valorización de alimentos imperfectos que ayudará a la reducción del desperdicio alimentario. CTA lidera este […]
The project aims to promote the incorporation of the Circular Bioeconomy in the development policies of the eight countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA) region, as a determining factor in moving towards production systems that promote the sustainable use of resources. The proposal allows the experience and knowledge acquired in Andalusia in the […]
It will support 5 regional authorities across Europe to:
The ZeroW project aims to transform the current food system towards a new model where food loss and waste (FWL) is halved by 2030 and practically non-existent by 2050. ZeroW aims to have a significant impact on nine food chains, which will also serve as real-life demonstration scenarios, through the implementation of new innovative solutions […]